Buy Now Pay Later

How it works

    • Select any of the platforms
    • Sign up
    • Submit bank statement for account with highest cashflow
    • Get Credit Limit
    • Place Your Order by paying an initial deposit of 30% while the remaining 70% is spread accross 6 months


With credpal you pay a 30% downpayment and spread your payment accross 6 months at 6.5% interest rate.

Renerlite Buy Now Pay Later Installment Payment


  1. Click the button below to fill out the Instalmental payment form.
  2. Send the Email, Phone Number, and Name used on the Form to or 09015945241 on WhatsApp with the same name and phone number provided on the form.
  3. The financing company will contact you with payment plan offers.
  4. Choose a plan and make a 30% down payment while the remaining 70% is spread across your payment plan.
  5. Once we receive payment for your system, we will deploy it for you.

alt power

With a 20% downpayment you can spread your payment accross 0 - 48months. Select the product you want to order and make use of the pay later option on checkout.

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